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Boss and Leader are not the same - People join Leaders, whilst bosses are left alone.

Performance talk, salary negotiations and personal development talk are examples of formal tasks that every boss is obliged to perform. Listening to employees, there are few people that rank their bosses highly on their ”Performance Management” skills.


Many organisations apply formal goals that state that every employee has the right to a personal development talk at least once a year. Many bosses find it hard to even match this formal requirement. And do not ”have the time” to perform true ”performance management” on a day to day basis either.

If not used well as a tool, performance management of employees becomes an ever increasing burden for the individual boss. The result that could have been achieved trough a cycle of repeating response and stimulation of employees will feel like unachievable. Performance management of employees becomes an area of failure in the bosses’ mind.

Consequently the risk increases that the boss will minimise on the natural amount of ”management by walking around” and positive interactions. And a boss that is never seen and hardly heard will have a tough time to become a groups’ leader.

EXECUTE offers bosses best practice within performance management.

The service can include templates, training the talks, reviewing goal setting and understanding the positive and negative processes that can be involved.

In addition EXECUTE will reignite and increase the bosses’ energy and the willingness to be a leader – every day.

Call us for a talk about Personal Development Talks and Performance Management!

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